New Years Energy Cleansing Ritual

Ready for a fresh start?

Create a little more space for magic in your life with this animistic meditation for letting go.



Listen along here…


Hello Dear Intuitive One,

Back when I had brick and mortar healing studio space, I had a massive bookshelf that felt as though it had a life force of its own. The bookshelf was beautifully lined with books that spanned my 26-year healing practice — from massage therapy and anatomy to how to communicate with animals and nature spirits. It was the first thing you would see when you arrived at the studio.

While I have studied with many teachers, so much of what I’ve learned has come from these books and 26-years of putting it into practice. In many ways, the books felt like my diplomas, marking each step on my journey.

At the start of the new year, I felt a bone-marrow-deep knowing that it was time to clear the slate and let go of so many of these books. In my home office studio, the massive collection of books started to feel heavy and burdensome. So in a grounded flurry of action laced with gratitude and reverence, I cleared and found new homes for 80% of those books out of my office in 6 minutes flat.

The resulting spaciousness in my office feels euphoric. 

Since this clearing, I’m happy to share that my creativity has doubled and my energy feels lighter. My little home office feels more spacious — in fact, my whole being feels more spacious. 

Like there is finally room for possibility, for something new to take root.

It feels like I have room for more breath, ease and connection in every aspect of my healing practice. As an unexpected surprise, sessions feel more powerful and tangible too.

I know many of us (including myself) struggle with letting go of things, especially objects that mark significant parts of our lives, or the minor and major steps on our journeys. But when we create space, we allow room for magic to enter. And that’s what I’d like to invite you to do.


Image: An after shot of the remaining books that survived the clearing. These are the gems I refer back to again and again.


Create a little more space for magic in your life with an animistic meditation for letting go.

An Animistic approach to clearing

Animism is all about seeing everything in our world, from objects to ideas, as living, sentient, energetic beings. If we’ve had the chance to work together, you’ve seen animism in action in our sessions.

Animism transforms the burdensome task of “getting rid of” into a gracious practice of letting go with gratitude and presence, freeing you both from burden and obligation.

Seeing objects and energy as sentient beings with their own lifeforce and fate can make it much easier to conceptualize that we are in relationship with these objects and energy. 

Which is a freaking fantastic radical self-love practice for those of us with people pleasing or rescuing-others-at-all-cost tendencies. 


Image: Graphic of the words: Animism transforms the burdensome task of “getting rid of” into a gracious practice of letting go with gratitude and presence, freeing you both from burden and obligation.


An animistic new year’s clearing meditation 

As we start this new year, I’d love to share a mini guided meditation to explore what you are ready to clear out with love and reverence to make room for new possibilities in 2022. (Remember you can listen to this meditation by clicking on the audio link at the top of this post!!)

Let’s tune-in together now

Place a hand on your heart and a hand on your belly to mark this moment as sacred time to tune-in.

Tune-in with the movement of your breath.

Sense into your center, the core of who you truly are.

Let your breath circulate through the areas you sense into what feels light and spacious in your body and energy. Give yourself a moment to celebrate and rest easy in this spaciousness!

Next, sense into the areas that are full and burdened within your body and energy. Let your breath encircle these areas giving them a warm and loving hug.

Give yourself time to dialogue with these areas that feel so full and ask them what they hold, and thank them for working so hard to hold this energy for you. Explore this energy you are holding much like we might reevaluate our once beloved items on our shelf that no longer bring us joy.

If you are ready to let this energy go, thank it and release it. Free it to become something new with love, knowing you are both stronger because of your connection.  

To finish, thank yourself for taking the time to listen in, thank your breath for guiding you and thank the present moment for the spacious possibilities it holds for you.

Remember: The quality of movement created by your breath can be such a great guide of what’s working for you now, today and what you are ready to let go of. What is your breath trying to tell you in this moment? 

Thanks for tuning in with me today,



P.S. If you’re needing a “deep clean” of your inner world to make more space for YOU in your body and life, check out my 6-week program, Reclaiming Center.

Reclaiming Center is such a freaking cool program. It’s six weeks of 1:1 Soul Work with me, to rebuild your natural energetic boundary from ground up, so your connection with your own center is unwavering.


Ready for a fresh start?

I'm now accepting new clients for Soul Work sessions.

Soul Work is all about supporting you in transforming the energetic muck holding you back, so you are resourced to step forward with freedom and ease.

Book a Soul Work session and we’ll get to work creating space for you to step into new possibilities in the new year. 

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