The Reclaiming Center Oracle


45 Loving reminders to empower and embody your truest self

Simple easy to follow prompts to reconnect with yourself when you feel overwhelmed, overstimulated, anxious, scattered, and un-centered.

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45 Easy to follow prompts to reconnect with yourself when you feel overwhelmed, overstimulated, anxious, scattered, and un-centered.

These sweet little reclaiming center oracle cards are all about giving you: 

Reconnection with who you want to be when you feel swept up in the thoughts and feelings of others. 

Transforming frazzled and unclear into embodied clarity. 

Moments of calm and peace so you feel safe and present to embody your truest self again. 


Ways to use this deck

Place this deck on your nightstand, your desk, by your kitchen sink, in your car - wherever you are when you need to take a moment of calm.

Hand out before yoga classes or in after-dance cool-downs, or as inspiration for journaling, meditation or somatic movement exploration.

The Reclaiming Center Oracle is all about giving you simple easy to follow prompts to reconnect with yourself when you feel overwhelmed, overstimulated, anxious, scattered, and un-centered.

Use these cards to create more grounded ease in your day, confidence in yourself, and clarity on your path.


Here’s what makes this deck a bit more costly than decks you find on Amazon. 

1. Small Print Runs 

These decks are printed in small batches of 50 at a time and shipped to you directly from me with love and care. Small batches mean costs are a bit higher and our eco footprint a little smaller. No giant warehouses store these cards until they are sold; I keep them in my mini home healing studio -  soaking up the healing love and beeswax candle aromas.  I also personalize each deck I ship with a name tag  tied with hemp twine, which adds to the feeling of opening a present when it arrives!  

2. Locally Printed 

Each deck is printed locally in Bellingham, Washington with love at a local printer - that offers living wages to their awesome employees. 

3. Plastic FREE 

The cards, the packaging, and even the tape I use to seal the box before I send it to you is plastic free and biodegradable! Great care has gone into this choice and one small way we can honor future generations by making choices to keep our spiritual practices eco friendly. 

4. Price Includes Shipping (within the USA) 

To keep things simple for you, I include shipping and applicable costs into the cost of these cards. I’m not a giant like Amazon but free shipping and covering the sales tax feels like an easy way to help make your day even brighter.