“When Spirit and Earth Meet”— Paperback


If you struggle with having to constantly clear, cleanse or shield yourself from others, you need this book. It’s going to free you up so you are able to connect with what you love — while transforming the overwhelm into blissful inner calm.

”When Spirit and Earth Meet” will guide you on a powerful journey back home to your center. It’s a must-read for those who struggle with people pleasing or losing their sense of connection with their inner knowing when around others.

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Beautiful + Refreshing

Artfully written, walking you through each step of rebuilding your natural energetic boundary from the crown of your head to your divinely embodied toes!

“When Spirit and Earth Meet” is filled with boundary practices for centering, grounding and being present that you can integrate with ease into daily life.


When Spirit and Earth Meet will help you:

•Stop losing connection with yourself and your intuition when you’re around others, so you can stay connected with your truest-self no matter who you’re with.

•Step out of the drama cycle of waiting for others to set boundaries for you, and learn to create your own ever-present boundaries, so you feel in control, energized and motivated to pursue your life’s purpose.

• Finally feel centered and safe to be yourself, even when you are around strong personalities and challenging people.

•Create a practice of energetic hygiene that draws you closer to your own intuitive center, so your inner knowing is always with you and easily accessible.

When Spirit and Earth Meet is a must-read for sensitive people, empaths, intuitive and those who work in professions of healing others, including: counselors, coaches, healers, teachers, massage therapists, yoga and movement facilitators.
Get your copy to learn to create natural boundaries, so you can stay true to yourself and connected with others at the same time.


Here’s what people are saying about this book

"Joanna Schmidt's new book, When Spirit and Earth Meet, is without question one of the best I've read on the subject of recognizing and enhancing our natural energy boundaries.  It is timely in that a working knowledge of our subtle energetic nature can help us meet the unique challenges of our time which call on all of us to develop skills of connection and wholeness.  In addition, Joanna's understanding of the inner dynamics of our energy body and its role as an organ of connection is first-rate. She brings new vision to this topic, along with many excellent exercises and meditative tools that bridge the gap between theory and practice.  I am proud to recommend this book.

~ David Spangler, Author of Working with Subtle Energies


”When Spirit and Earth Meet” is a brilliant comprehensive guide for energetic boundary exploration. The author gently leads the reader through a profound process of self-healing to a grand reunion with the powers of creation. A beautiful antidote for the fragmentation of our times!”

~ Alida Birch, Shamanic Practitioner and author of The Co-creation Handbook


“Joanna has written a book that should be in the hands of yoga teachers, movement facilitators, and massage therapists—really, anyone who works with the body and healing. When Spirit and Earth Meet gives a different twist to concepts of boundary and healing work. This book is both poetic and pragmatic, a helpful tool for anyone needing practices and support to do their own inner soul and self-work, so that they can be in service to others doing the same. This is a book that helps a person to align and walk in the world with more integrity at heart, body, and mind.”

~ Jenny Macke - teacher and workshop facilitator of conscious movement, somatic mentor/coach and bodywork worker



For those who desire to journey home to the temple of the body, I highly recommend Joanna’s book.  This book is not just about boundaries, it is about becoming aware of how one inhabits their body with compassion.  Because Joanna’s approach is inherently kind and clear, safety is easily created for the reader to bloom and play within a wise framework of exercises created to establish healthy boundaries.  If we were taught as children the tools in this book, I imagine we would be living with much more confidence, grace, and with the knowing that living in communication with nature is a part of our natural balance.  I recommend this book to anyone who is a guide and teacher for others in reclaiming their body and their personal and psychic space.

~ Leah Grossman

Advanced Soma Practitioner, LMT, Theta Practitioner
