Four questions to ask your intuition when you're stuck

How to transform energy blocks to feel motivated again

Energy blocks, those pesky walls of un-motivation that keep you from doing work, taking your dog for a walk, tackling chores, making progress on your goals, or … ahem… writing your newsletter — they show up for good reason. We’ll look at why they show up and how you can shift from resisting them to working with them so they draw you towards your truest-self.



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Hello Dear Intuitive One,

Energy blocks. On a good day they can cause you to slam on the breaks on a creative project… But on a bad day, they can take you from getting by and mostly functioning to sitting on the sofa binge-watching The Gilmore Girls on Netflix. 

Energy blocks can show up in our body, our energy and our life doing what they do best: blocking our path forward.

I’ve been stalking a pretty big creative energy block that’s been in my path for a few months now. 

I’ll work with a layer to transform old stories, outdated beliefs and re-center myself into the now, dust myself off and start again. And just when I start to feel forward movement, my energy block rears its giant head and almost playfully says, “No.”


In many ways it feels as though my energy block knows me better than I know myself. So I steady myself and get back to working on the next layer of outdated beliefs that keep me stuck in old, been-there-done-that ways .…

The thing about energy blocks is that, in many ways, they DO know us better than we know ourselves. 

Energy blocks know when we are trying too hard to push forward and do more of the same — of whatever it is that isn’t actually working for us anymore.

My inner process is not that different from the way I approach energy blocks in Soul Work sessions. In sessions it’s not just about clearing the block. It’s about uncovering what the block is actually doing for you. It’s about discovering what undernourished aspects of yourself you can reclaim along the way so you are more connected with your center as you move forward. It’s about listening inward and meeting with our allies and guides to help deepen clarity. And it’s about asking big open ended questions that help shine the light on new possibilities within. 


Image: Joanna’s feet (mine!) in Doc Martin's standing in front of a sidewalk chalk drawing of a rainbow and red heart


 The good side to energy blocks!?

I like to think of energy blocks as a kind of bodyguard that steps in our way to block us when we are moving too far too fast away from our truest selves. 

It’s like they stand there, wide shouldered, saying, “So, I see you want to make progress, but first I’ll need you to dump that overflowing suitcase full of outdated nonsense you're carrying so you can move forward with clarity.”

When we let energy blocks step out of the negative limelight we can see what good they are actually doing for us. 

When we do we might hear them trying to tell us…

  • This thing you think you need or are trying to do, doesn’t actually work for you anymore

  • Slow down, take time to re-group, explore this situation with fresh eyes and ears

  • There’s some inner shadow stuff that’s ready to be tended before moving forward

  • Please stop and listen to your body and heart and find another way forward. The path your trying to take isn’t for you

Energy blocks can feel like they’re stopping you, but really, they’re trying to shift your direction

The creative energy block I’ve been chiseling away at has helped me transform a ton of inner stuff that I’ve been dragging with me for decades. 

Layer by layer this recent energy block has highlighted symptoms of imposter syndrome and stories left over from my youth that tell me “to belong and be successful you need to be different than who you are.” 

Identifying, questioning and releasing each layer to try and overcome this block has actually been freeing. 

It’s been helping release me from who I think I should be while drawing me closer to who I am. 

When given a chance this is the power energy blocks hold for us. The power to draw us closer to our truest self.

What’s blocking you?

Energy blocks can stall momentum and motivation in just about any aspect of life: In your creativity, in a relationship, with work, or physically — in the tightness of your shoulders or patterns of holding your breath for wayyy too long. If you’ve been feeling blocked, in any aspect of your body, energy or life, I invite you to tune in.

Tune-in and give yourself permission to truly listen to your energy block.

What’s this energy block trying to tell you?

What is this energy block trying to direct your attention towards?

What aspects of yourself is this energy block trying to help draw your attention to?

How can you work with this energy block so your path forward draws you closer to your truest self?

Thanks for tuning in with me today,




Do you have an energy block stopping you in your tracks?

The soul work I do with my clients is all about giving you the structure to listen deeply to your inner world, so you can transform what’s blocking you and realign with your center.

It’s powerful inner shadow work that helps you realign yourself with embodied inner clarity. If you’re having trouble interpreting what your blocks are trying to tell you, we can work on them together here.

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