Get calm with a quick grounding meditation

Have you been feeling uprooted and overwhelmed?

Listen along and ground yourself in a sense of inner safety so you can continue doing the work of making the world a equal and kind place, with my favorite centering practice.



Listen along here…

“Get Reacquainted with your Center” Meditation starts at 4:11 minutes


Hello Dear Intuitive One,

I just wrapped up with the latest round of “Reclaiming Center” and not only was it so timely for the participants, it was timely for me — I realized I needed the reminder to recenter myself too.

Lately, between the big stuff like getting back out into the world after nearly two years of hermiting (that’s a verb, right?), the global and local events hitting the news, and navigating the stress of three older animals and their baskets full of health issues (everyone is okay here, but whew! SO many vet appointments), I realized my centering skills had gotten a little rusty. Like what I wrote in my last post, about brain fog, my energetic boundary had become a bit Swiss Cheezy. (If you missed that post read it here)

Your symptoms may differ, but for me, feeling uprooted and ungrounded feels like this: 

I forget I have feet, legs… and a body for that matter. 

I tend to hold my breath.

I get “up in my head.” and overthink everything.


Staying grounded in stressful times

To get back into my body, and my inner sense of safety, even when there’s a constant flood of changes, dire news, and stressful life events, comes down to reconnecting with my own center. It’s about getting out of my head and landing back into the now- all of which I consider energetic boundary work.

It’s about giving myself time to revisit the Energetic Boundary 101 basics. Like all the how-tos of breathing to be IN our body, loving ourselves, being present in the now, and transforming what keeps us from occupying our own body and center. And when we are centered, we are much more likely to be able to respond rather than react. To act rather than simply rage. (and when we are centered our animal friends are happier — our stress affects them too). An unshakable sense of calm becomes attenable.  

Being in our own center is the magic potion that takes us from feeling like we’re barely keeping our heads above water to living a joyful life.

With that, I’d love to invite you to momentarily put down whatever it is that is jacking your shoulders up to your ears, or holding your breath or perhaps adding to the temporary forgetfulness that you have a body… and join me in a short tuning inward to center that I call, “Getting reacquainted with your center”. 

Let’s tune inward together

If you are moved, place a hand on your heart and belly, to help you focus inward. Give yourself a moment to honor all of who you are in this moment. Honor your fears. Your concerns, your joys… how far you’ve come, how much you have grown… honor all of who you are. 

Tune into the natural rhythm of your breath. Give your breath permission to move naturally though you, let it free anything that feels stuck, fixed or rigid.

Let this movement you can sense with each inhale and exhale draw you closer to your own center… your own presence in the here, in the now. 

Play with using your interoception (perception of sensations from inside the body) to sense your core, your pelvis, legs, feet, belly shoulders, arms, hands, neck and face. Give yourself a moment to say “hello” to your body, get reacquainted!

Follow this feeling into your center.

Sense into the layers of your own center, like the layers within a tree. Sensing into each ring within as a layer of growth, inner evolution and becoming. 

Give yourself a moment to sense into the wholeness you contain in your center. 

Sense into the ease that exists there… ease that is always available to you. Perhaps let your next inhale circle around the ease you sense within and emanate it though your whole being on your next exhale…

Repeat as necessary. 

If you’re wanting more tools to connect with your inner calm, I invite you to check out Reclaiming Center. It’s a six-week energetic boundary reboot that I offer several times a year. The next round is starting in July!

I invite you to pour yourself a fresh cup of tea and learn what Reclaiming Center is all about by following the little yellow button below. 

Thanks for tuning in with me today,



P.S. Movement and singing can help us re-center like nobody's business. If you're needing a bit more support to reclaim your sense of bodily autonomy (in light of recent events), I'd love to share one of my go to medicine songs with you. 

This is THE song I reach for to sing along with (loudly) and dance it out when I am reaching for center so I can act with steady calm. Hopefully this song by Rising Appalachia will give you the boost you need to reclaim steady center too. May it give us both the boost we need right now. As the song lyrics go… "My voice feels tiny, and I'm sure so does yours... put us all together and we will make a mighty roar!." 

Listen by following this link to YouTube


Quick announcement!

I’m accepting new clients for Shamanic Soul Work sessions

Soul Work Journey Sessions are about reconnecting you with bone-deep intuitive clarity, when the stress from the world feels louder than your own intuitive voice.

It’s for healers, for empaths and for naturally intuitive folks who want the skills and support to reclaim your connection to your own center and transform what’s blocking you so you can sense your own inner compass again.

And I’m accepting new clients for this powerful work. Apply below using the bight yellow button


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