Halloween ideas to connect with the spirits of pets passed

Halloween around here is about carving out moments to create love spells - that help reflect on the power of eternal love - love so strong it exists and flows freely on both sides of the veil.  

In today’s post I’d love to share with you a few simple ways I honor those I’ve loved on the other side of the veil. Practices that require only the soft flickering light of a candle and your grounded presence. 



Listen along here…

Centering meditation: starts at 3:45 minutes


Hello Dear Intuitive One,

Around here, Halloween isn’t so much about horror flicks and candy for me…  although truth be told, it doesn't take much to talk me into indulging with a Honey Mama- Coconut Cacao Truffle Bar. Have you had them? They are SO good!! 

Halloween is about honoring those I’ve loved who have crossed over…

Around here Halloween time is about reflecting on the power of eternal love - love so strong it exists and flows freely on both sides of the veil.

This is the time of year I light a candle in my kitchen when I cook supper to feel closer to my grandmother, Rose. When I do, I feel as though I’m transported into her kitchen with her little candle flickering on the windowsill to ward off the darkness on stormy nights while she warmed her homemade bread and soup for dinner. 

It’s the time of year I mend chewed-up sparkle cat toy balls. Sparkle balls that are now more “mend” than “sparkle,” having been passed down to Miss Kitty from Miles-Smiles and Dizzy- cat friends long who left this world of the living long ago.  

And it’s the time of year I intentionally walk more slowly on the forest paths I’ve walked with dog friends who are no longer with us, including Bernard, Sue-friend and Raspberry. 

Each step I take I reflects the countless pawprints nestled deep in the layers and layers of soft soil and mud under my feet. 

This is how I celebrate Halloween, and each of these rituals feed and nourish my body and spirit deeply. It’s a time of intentional listening and remembering how precious and important each moment is by honoring what is no longer here. 

In the spirit of these witchy, powerful rituals, I’d love to offer you a Halloween blessing to support you in invoking a deeper connection with your loved ones who have crossed. 


Image: Photo of a beeswax candle burning in my kitchen cutting board next to a yellow pepper, a sliced onion, a home grown tomato and a white mug with an engraved heart.


Guided meditation:

A Halloween movement meditation for loved ones (including animals) who have crossed 

I invite you to light a candle, or dim the lights. Perhaps light a stick of your favorite incense.

Let the softness of the lighting smooth your edges and help you settle into the now. 

Sense your breath moving in your body and let your breath be soft, calm and easy

Feel the floor under you. Perhaps wiggle your toes to sense the floorboards, the carpet and the earth under you. 

Place a hand on your heart and feel the rhythm of your heartbeat and let the rhythm draw your attention deeper towards your body, here in the land of tall cedars, vast oceans and wind kissed prairies. 

Let the movement of your breath honor your eternal love for those on the other side. 

If you’re moved, perhaps move your body in a manner that feels natural - you can wiggle your toes or flex and extend your spine or scrunch up your shoulders and then release all in a way that feels good for you… 

Let your movement and breath be an embodied prayer. 

And here in this moment, while you are held in love by this soft lighting, knowing your loved ones are near, tell them with your voice that your movement is being created with love for them.  Your breath is honoring them and everything they taught you about the preciousness of life and living. 

Let your movement draw you closer to your own body- remembering your loved ones exist within your muscle memory, within the magic of your heart and in your intuitive knowing. 

When you feel like the blessing to your loved ones has been offered, place your hands on your heart. Thank them for all your loved ones for all they  have taught you, about the preciousness of life and love and blow your candle out. 


Thanks for tuning in with me today,




I’m now accepting new animal communication clients!

Connect with your animal beloveds who have crossed over so you truly know they are okay

Being able to sense and communicate with loved ones who have passed is par for the course for many of us intuitive ones. Yet sometimes our grief is too thick, our worry is too loud or we just don't feel like we trust ourselves enough to hear them clearly. If you're struggling with blocked intuitive channels when you try to tune-in, I invite you to reach out for a session. 

An animal communication session can give you the sacred space to connect with your animal beloveds who have crossed so you know they are okay. To learn more about animal communication and how to set up a session, click the bright yellow button below.

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