When self-care stops working

Has your intuitive self-care practice fallen off in the last 2 years?

If you’ve been feeling like the intuitive self-care tools you’ve used in the past just aren’t working any more, you’re not alone.

Pour yourself a cup of tea and cozy in for this conversation on why this has happened and what you can do about it.



Listen along here…


Hello Dear Intuitive One,

I used to believe that once we had a set self-care practice that felt good for us and worked well, we were all set. All we needed to do was to keep up with the routine and we would feel all the good things that come with great self-care.

But then the last few years happened… and I found myself in deep resistance to reach for my regular energetic hygiene self-care practices.

And then… I started hearing the same struggles from clients in sessions. Over and over again I heard that they had the tools, the years of practice, but they thought something was wrong with them because they couldn’t seem to drag themselves to do the energetic self-care, they knew they SHOULD be doing…

  • Regular meditators avoided their meditation pillows.

  •  Clients who had weekly self-chakra clearing practices spent the time staring at Instagram reels instead.

  • Clients who were usually really great at dropping into their bodies and listening inward to their intuition … stopped.

Animal clients were talking about this in their sessions too....

One observant wise cat shared on a call, "My person is stressed AF, but are acting as if everything is normal and okay! It stresses me out, I don't know how to help them".

Later that same day in another session, a grey muzzled mutt spoke up too, "My people have stopped dancing, the air is thick in the house, it's like they have forgotten how to breathe. I am worried about them."

What the heck is going on here?

As intuitive folks we know we need regular energetic hygiene and wickedly nourishing self-care practices to help us feel grounded, calm and good. I’ve come to believe though, that these practices need regular updating to be able to keep up with our growth and new stresses we are facing.

It’s all not that different from my auto mechanic husband’s constantly growing tool box. A basic set of wrenches would have been about what he needed to get the job done in 1950. In 2022 that basic set comes in handy for sure, but he also needs regular updating. As the technology changes, as the design becomes more advanced and complicated, the adequate tools to deal with it all need to change too.

The same thing can be said about us. We are not the same people we were two years ago, and our self-care is like Steve’s tool box: self-care habits need regular updating to keep up with our growth and shifting stresses.


A self-care practice set in stone can’t keep up with your changing needs.

But we’re weighed down by the idea that if we just get back to doing what used to work, it will work again. It’s that idea that keeps us from updating the self-care toolbox.  

If you’ve been suffering because of a stuck-in-the-mud (and not in a good way) self-care practice, I’d love to invite you to tune-inward right here and right now and ask yourself a two self-reflection questions.


1.  Are the self-care practices that you’ve been feeling you “should” be getting “back to” still actually what you need right now?

2.  How can you give yourself a little more permission to refresh your self-care practices so they feel nourishing and good to reach for them?

Breaking the self-care sabotaging spell

I’ve got to share with you that in the past few months, I feel much freer since I gave myself permission for my self-care practices to evolve. And I’d love to invite you too as well.

Permission is the first step in shifting all this. Permission to let your practices evolve with you. Permission to escape the “I should really keep doing what I’ve been doing for years” spell that you most likely are regularly recasting on yourself every time the word “should” is paired with “self-care”.

Thanks for tuning in with me today,




Quick Announcement

I’m accepting new clients for Soul Work Journey Sessions

Soul Work Journey Sessions are about reconnecting you with bone-deep intuitive clarity, when the stress from the world feels louder than your own intuitive voice.

It’s for healers, for empaths and for naturally intuitive folks who want the skills and support to reclaim your connection to your own center and transform what’s blocking you so you can sense your own inner compass again.

And I’m accepting new clients for this powerful work. Apply below using the bight yellow button


 What folks are saying about Soul Work

“I am feeling more connected and grounded within myself.

I am so glad I took the opportunity to work with Joanna in Reclaim Your Center! She is such a joy to work with. And the insights and healings that took place have truly been transformative.” 

-Codi Hamblin, LAMT

“I learned new ways to be more aware of my own energy, how to be more responsible with it, how to go from the mindset of protecting my energy to simply embodying it at all times.

I was able to apply what I was learning in real time, and in real life situations as they unfolded. I’m grateful for Joanna’s guidance and knowledge during those times.”

 - Stacey M.


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